
Product Safety

The Lumistella Company takes product safety very seriously, and we recognize the great responsibility we have to provide you with products that are of the highest standards. Because quality and product safety are our primary focus, we often test these products to higher toy safety standards to ensure safety and quality that exceed the expectations of our consumers. Our products are tested and comply with applicable ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), EN71 (European standards) and Canadian Toy safety standards as well as any specific standards applicable where our products are intended to be distributed and sold. Our products also meet or exceed the applicable CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) guidelines. Furthermore, we use independent laboratories to perform our testing evaluations. We believe independent laboratories bring both testing expertise and impartiality to the product evaluation process.

Authorized retailers: If you would like to obtain a copy of our Certificate of Compliance (COC), please email compliance@lumistella.com with your name, account name and mailing address.

The Lumistella Company also takes the fight against counterfeit products very seriously. Visit www.Lumistella.com/statement to learn more.